As many times as I have begun a blog entry with complaints, emotional struggles, and difficult decisions, I'm finally at ease. I can break the pattern of late and share much lighter subjects today, because believe it or not, things really are beginning to make sense. There definitely are days that hold more weight than others, but I can now look ahead to the future and feel a general excitement about what I hope is in store.
Besides figuring life out, I think getting to be laid back for a change has made a huge impact on my disposition as well. These last couple of weeks have been so easy going! I've been able to enjoy spending a lot of time with my girls, getting coffee together and talking or hitting up Target. I love them so much and have no earthly idea how life would continue without them.
Besides figuring life out, I think getting to be laid back for a change has made a huge impact on my disposition as well. These last couple of weeks have been so easy going! I've been able to enjoy spending a lot of time with my girls, getting coffee together and talking or hitting up Target. I love them so much and have no earthly idea how life would continue without them.
Dress, shoes: Mod Cloth, cardigan: Papaya, tights: Target, purse: Charming Charlie, necklace: gifted |
One thing that has got me all about the future is *brace yourself* planning for having a family. Now, "family" is a broad term. It applies to having a career, a husband, a place for my[our]selves that I can decorate and make personal, setting roots... but it also means having children and establishing family dynamics as a whole. With the holiday season slowly creeping up, I've become engulfed by ideas and traditions I want to set for my own family one day. And even beyond the holidays, I think about the kind of things I want to do as a mother on a daily basis. Don't judge me! I just come across inspiration things that I tuck into the back of my mind to save for later (Pintrest is one of the biggest offenders). Thinking about making life exciting and fun for my future kids fills me with joy.
I personally believe I will be an unbelievably cool mom. I will ensure that my house is a lively house, always kept open to friends and parties, a place where my kids' friends feel welcome and people can stop by whenever. At least once a month, my family will have a "get cultured" day where we either go out to eat new cuisine or do something artsy, like visiting a museum or watching a play. I'm also dead-set on making a weekly family day where the chosen family member of the week gets to decide what movie we watch or game we play. It will be a loud household, in a good way, where there is ongoing music playing (or I'm singing) and laughter and conversation. You may think I'm merely talking big talk and that none of this will actually play out the way I intend by the time I have children, and maybe you're right. However, I'm pretty set on making my parenting work the way I want it, and therefore will work very hard for it when the time comes. For now, I'm just a single college student who wants to eventually stuff her children into a large shirt. One day...
This is a similar, yet different, take on the Maiden Braids hairstyle I tried out a few weeks back. I used four strands total, two on each side of the head, rather than a singular piece. Instead of twisting the hair, I actually braided them. Then the leftover hair in the back got pinned up. It was a somewhat lengthy ordeal that took the night before to create, but the outcome was pleasing. The "maiden braid crown" look is refreshing and unique, and I'm rather glad I discovered it.
I am digging fall in Tampa. It's all the cool, sweater-wearing weather without the miserable nasty elements involved. I can comfortably wear layers because I want to, not because I have to in order to avoid hypothermia. Putting on a pair of tights under a dress or skirt, stepping out into the crisp air and warm sunshine... aaahhh. Feels wonderful. I've had so much fun figuring out how to blend my pastel colors (like rose, sage, coral) with fall layering clothes.
Spring prints + darker colors = my kind of fall